The FBI Glock 19M
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Glock 19M : FBI Issues New Pistol

Every few years, the FBI looks for a new pistol. I was initially trained with revolvers. When the field SWAT program was transferred to the Special Operations and Research Unit, we acquired the 9mm S&W 459 pistol, while field agents carried the S&W M13 revolver.
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Slimmed-Down Carry Pistol: Glock 43 Compact

Nowhere else has the public’s desire for a highly concealable handgun in a serious caliber been more evident than with the long-awaited 9x19mm Glock 43 (G43) pistol. Even though the Glock 42 filled a gaping hole in the Glock concealed carry inventory, many serious gunners told me they would have preferred it in Parabellum, not in .380 ACP, and waited.