During a tactical training class I attended several years ago, the question of survival/E&E (escape & evasion) kits came up. After a quick round-table discussion, it became clear that the students’ definition of survival gear was extra food.
People get lost in the wild for a number of reasons. We may all have had that feeling of a sudden loss of orientation at one time or another. It doesn’t take much before the feeling of panic strikes.
In the September 2008 issue of S.W.A.T., Jeff Randall answered the request of some readers by writing about remote first aid. Jeff did a good job of covering what you may face once you leave the safety of your home, though I should really say, once you leave the safety of your bed, since most accidents occur in the home.
One of the priorities of survival that we teach in our jungle school is proper visual rescue signaling. It is perhaps the one skill that will save your life when rescue teams start looking for you.