Unlike a double-edged sword, which gives you at least a 50/50 chance, the battle spear has a double-ended threat. Either your enemy clocks you from the front with the tip of the blade, or you “take the shaft” from behind from yesterday’s friends. Either way you’re receiving an undesirable impalement. There is, of course, a third choice. You wield the spear and do unto others before they get a chance to do unto you—otherwise known as a pre-emptive strike.

And it goes without saying that the spear in question does not necessarily have to be a physical weapon. It could just as equally be abstract and/or mental, such as strategy and tactics. Whatever it takes to win the war is the name of the game.

Unfortunately, in the 21st century—thanks to ludicrous “rules of engagement”—citizen, law enforcement officer, and soldier alike are forced to fight from way behind the power curve. And until the proverbial lambs being led to the slaughter wake up and realize that the prowling tiger isn’t the family cat dressed up for a Halloween prank, the Good Guys will continue to pay the dues—usually with blood and loss of life and limbs.

Having the enemy wielding the spear is akin to taking a bullet in the head. It doesn’t matter whether you’re shot from the front, from behind, or from either side—you’ve taken a projectile to the head. The end result is the same. The bottom line is the golden rule: He who has the gold (or the spear) makes the rules.

If you’re so stupid that you’re going to accept Vlad the Impaler’s dinner invitation, you’re running a really good risk that you’ll wind up a human fence post. If you do accept the invitation, you’d better be armed and eat with your back to a wall, because while some guests are eating dinner, many others are the dinner.

No doubt at this stage of proceedings, some readers are convinced that this scribe is a doomsday Chicken Little, waiting for the sky to fall. Nope, not quite. But I did live through the current situation 40 years ago. While I’ve fallen off the turnip truck many times in the past, it’s been a while since the last case of road rash.

And if enough people suffer from what Doctor Alexis Artwohl refers to as “inattentional blindness”—an inability to see the forest for the trees—the house of cards collapses.

This proverbial pile of cards may be a robbery, rape, murder, or the fall of an entire empire. Let’s amend that—this short-lived empire is already crumbling, thanks to political correctness, the apparent inability to learn from history, and a bureaucracy of laws based on fallacies and utopian wishes.

As Greek historian Thucydides stated, “The nation that makes a great distinction between its scholars and its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools.” Anything sounding familiar here?

So if inattentional blindness is your thing, stand by to see more rapes, murders, and 20-year-olds killed in the line of duty in wars run on bureaucratic bluff and ignorance. Otherwise, rip your enemy’s spear from his hand and shove it through his throat. It’s gone too far, societally and militarily, for there to be any other options.

Is this author preaching violence? Absolutely not. But I did read a book once, which said something about “an eye for an eye.” Yes, it also said “turn the other cheek.” The problem with that one is, once you’re been slapped a second time, you’re fresh out of cheeks to get slapped.

It’s way past Hobson’s Choice stage. It’s time for good people to stand up and leave the slithering and crawling to the snakes and crabs of the world.

Interesting man, livery stable proprietor Mister Hobson. His game was, first you paid him for the horse, then you went into the stable and were mandated to take the horse closest to the stable entrance door. Golly gee whiz, let me ponder on this. I wonder how many Hobson clients wound up with a Kentucky Derby winner?

Kind of like believing promises made 17 times over to self-destroy nuclear reactors or releasing a rapist from prison after his fourth term served for the same repeated crime…

If our answer is to “make prison space for more serious offenders,” maybe we should sharpen the back of our spear shaft. That way it won’t hurt so much when our enemy inserts it from behind into the orifice where the sun don’t shine—because apparently we refuse to see the spear-tip attack coming from the front.

Get the point before we all “get the point.”

Louis Awerbuck is Director of the internationally acclaimed Yavapai Firearms Academy. Course information and schedules are available at their website at www.yfainc.com.

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