This is written for apocalyptic times, when open combat might be present in our country. It could happen as a result of an attack on our Constitution by an out-of-control president, a nuclear event, pandemic, geothermal event, or EMP. Regardless, things will get unfriendly quickly.
Mendelian Genetics is a fascinating field of study. By carefully manipulating breeding patterns, scientists can produce orange roses, grain that is resistant to blight and foul weather, the fastest horses in all of human history, and carp that will eat the weeds out of my farm pond while remaining unable to reproduce.
For years, many people have said it is unwise to carry handloaded ammo for defensive purposes. This is based on two elements, both of which I believe are mostly myths. The first point of contention is that handloaded (reloaded) ammunition is unreliable.
In the wee hours of a Sunday morning, an argument at a Spartanburg, South Carolina nightclub grew heated. One of the men involved in the altercation pulled out a handgun and started firing into a crowd that had formed outside the club, striking several bystanders, at least one critically.
I bought my first U.S. military shotgun more than 40 years ago. An M97 Trench Gun, it was the most iconic of the U.S. fighting shotguns—and still is, for that matter. Ever since then, I have retained my interest in GI shotguns and their accouterments.
I grew up at a time when most every male had seen some military service, and I was treated to numerous tales of life in the service of this country in combat and in peacetime. That exposure, and a strong desire to get out of the city and do something that mattered, led me to enlist in the Marine Corps shortly after my 17th birthday.
Smartphones can now be found just about everywhere on the planet. It’s no exaggeration to say that these incredible devices have changed everything, especially how we communicate. As device functionality and cell service reliability have increased, so has our dependence on this technology. But what happens when there’s no service?
Dressing to blend into an urban environment is not that hard. It just takes some thought. Coveralls, overalls…
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