Many officers and private citizens choose to carry a five-shot, .38/.357 Snubbie as their primary handgun, off duty or as a back-up gun (BUG).

While I normally prefer to carry a larger handgun in a more formidable caliber, there have been occasions when an event has dictated I change my normal manner of attire to something that just doesn’t look good paired with a big honkin’ handgun. It’s during these times that I may carry a pocket gun.

While Snubbies don’t print easily in loose-fitting trousers, a pocket holster makes the chance of printing less likely. A pocket holster will also usually carry the revolver in more or less the same position, and help to minimize the chance of lint and other foreign material coming into contact with the firearm.

Pock-A-Roo with Ruger LCR and Spyderco Para Military knife with D2 blade (now discontinued). Note pocket that holds spare QuickStrip.

A pocket holster should carry the gun securely enough that it doesn’t flop around in the pocket, but loosely enough so that when the revolver is drawn, the holster does not come out with the gun, which would require an extra motion to remove the holster.

One such holster is the Pock-A-Roo made by Tuff Products.

[Caveat: As this is written, I have only had the Pock-A-Roo for a week. My evaluation is based on the fact that I have carried it constantly and performed maybe 300 familiarization drawstrokes during that time.]

The Pock-A-Roo is made from Tuff™-Tack Laminate—a textured, neoprene-feeling material. After performing the drawstrokes mentioned above, I feel confident in saying that this is one pocket holster that will stick in your pocket.

The design of the Pock-A-Roo is ambidextrous and will fit any standard “J”-frame sized Snubbies made by Smith & Wesson, the Ruger LCR, et al.

For extra ammunition, many folks prefer to carry rubber speed strips to reload a revolver. They are flat, conceal well and, with practice, efficient.

Pock-A-Roo with Ruger LCP and SureFire E1L flashlight.

An ingenious addition to the Pock-A-Roo’s design is a pocket at the side of the holster that will hold a loaded QuickStrip. Tuff Products manufactures QuickStrips in sizes ranging from .22 to 12 gauge and everything in between, and in capacities from five to ten rounds depending on your weapon/needs.

An added benefit of the QuickStrip is that your extra ammo will always be in the same place, not at the bottom of a trouser or vest pocket, thus increasing the efficiency of your reloads. One five-round QuickStrip is included with the Pock-A-Roo.

Another version of the Pock-A-Roo I looked at is made for small semi-autos such as the Ruger LCP. On this version, the pocket at the side of the holster is made to accommodate an extra magazine.

Tuff Products make QuickStrips ranging in size from .22 to 12 gauge. Shown is .38/.357 five-round strip.

The ability to carry ammunition with both of these holsters is a great addition to pocket holster designs. I never cease to be amazed at folks who won’t leave the house without an extra magazine or speed loader for a full-sized handgun, but don’t think twice about dropping a small handgun—with already limited capacity—into their pocket and heading on their merry way.

If you have a crystal ball that allows you to see into the future and lets you know you will be in a deadly force situation but not need extra ammo, stay home in the first place!

Although my hands-on time with the Pock-A-Roos is admittedly limited, the construction is of obvious quality and I would not hesitate to carry a pocket gun in these holsters when not carrying a full-sized handgun.

The suggested retail for either the revolver or semi-auto version of the Pock-A-Roo is $30.00. Additional two packs of five-round, .38/.357 QuickStrips sell for $8.49.


Tuff Products
Dept. S.W.A.T.
1060 Colorado Ave.
Chula Vista, CA 91911
(877) 883-3776

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