In this column I have covered many products that conceal from inside the waistband, belt and shoulder holsters. However, all of these require an outer garment, and there are individuals who pick up on this.

Cuff case and magazine pouch are constructed to look like a wallet when worn.

I recall when a friend stopped at a local convenience store for a cup of coffee. On his way out of the store, a member of the Hells Angels began heckling my friend. A second H.A. stopped his buddy and said, “Think! We’re in Arizona, it’s July, it’s 110 degrees and he’s wearing a vest. Think about it, stupid!” Yep, my friend had “been made.” As a matter of fact, he had two 1911s in inside the waistband holsters—and was very capable of using them.

Concealment Shirt Holster will accompany pistols as large as 1911-types.

After hearing that story, it became evident to me that while a vest remains a good everyday choice, some astute people—including those who could be a problem—may pick up on the fact that a gun is being carried.

Recently I purchased three products from A Better The first product was their Concealment Shirt Holster. It is a moisture wicking, all-weather compression shirt and has a heavy elastic patch sewn directly into it. A second piece of elastic sewn onto the patch serves as the holster.

The other side of the shirt has the same material with the elastic stitched in, but it is for extra magazines and other gear. There are three separate compartments, so a person could carry three extra mags or one spare mag, one flashlight and a small O.C. (pepper spray) or a knife, etc. In short, you can carry what you think you may need. The extra gear on the offside also helps the shirt from pulling down on one side and assists in balancing out the load.

The “trick” to wearing this shirt is to have it fit very snugly. Order the same size as a close-fitting T-shirt—this will be taut and hold the weapon in tight to the side. Then you can put a regular shirt on, and as long as it is not skin tight, it will not print.

Offside has three pouches for magazines, flashlight, knife, etc.

What you wear as a cover garment will decide how easy (or difficult) it is to present a handgun from the Concealment Shirt Holster. If, for example, it is a “western” shirt with snaps, then it is easy to “break” the front of the shirt open. If a uniform shirt with a zipper is worn, it will take slightly longer. A loose-fitting T-shirt would require pulling the shirt up to clear the holster before a firing grip could be obtained. As with any other holster—or any piece of gear for that matter—you must practice before you need it.

The second product is a dual magazine pouch that is worn inside your pants pocket. It is made from rough-out leather and nylon. The back of the mag pouch is hard and the front is soft leather. Using it is simple: insert two mags and turn the mags inward toward your body with the hard side facing out. This gives the appearance of a wallet.

The last piece evaluated was a cuff case wallet. It too is made of leather and nylon and worn the same way as the mag pouch. Both the cuff case and the pouch have a V shape cut out in the front to allow you to acquire a grip with your thumb and four fingers, and pull either your mag or cuffs out.

I found these products to be well made and should hold up to hard usage. Tactics is all about having options, and the Concealment Shirt Holster gives you just that.

If you wear this as your primary holster, it is going to be a little slower, so practice is critical. If things go south and you need your weapon, you must get in the fight as quickly as possible. But if your weapon not printing is a priority, the Concealment Shirt Holster is a viable choice.


A Better LLC
Dept. S.W.A.T.
1114 North Court St.
Medina, OH 44256
(440) 915-4888

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