Multiple assailants make the larger capacities of service-size autos worth considering.


An hour after her husband left home for work, the young wife of a James City County police officer heard an intruder forcing his way into her Newport News, Virginia home. Fearing for the safety of her daughter, she grabbed a phone and a gun and placed herself between the sound of breaking glass and her two-year-old daughter’s bedroom.

While the woman was on the phone with the 911 dispatcher, the intruder confronted her and made the mistake of rushing her. She opened fire, and her assailant dropped to the floor with life-threatening injuries. He was still lying there when police arrived moments later. “It was either him or me,” she later told reporters. “I have my daughter to protect.”

SOURCE: WAVY-TV, Portsmouth, Virginia, 3/12/15


An East Tulsa, Oklahoma man found himself embroiled in an argument with several other men outside his apartment just after midnight in early March. Confined to a wheelchair, he retreated into his home with a friend to escape his antagonists. The adversaries were not inclined to let things end so easily, however.

According to the wheelchair-bound victim, three of the disputants, one of whom had a gun, forced their way into the apartment and began assaulting his friend. Pulling his own sidearm, he opened fire on the trio, hitting at least two and sending the third fleeing. When police arrived, they found two assailants dead on the floor of the victim’s dwelling.

SOURCE: KJRH-TV, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 3/12/15


In the wee hours of a snowy March morning in New Haven, Connecticut, several friends left Eli’s Tavern and headed for the parking garage to make their way home. Upon entering the garage, they were approached by two men who demanded their valuables. One assailant pointed a pistol at the group and fired once, hitting one of the friends in the neck.

At this point, one of the intended victims drew his own licensed handgun and returned fire, striking one holdup man and causing the other to flee into the wintry New England night. When police arrived, they found the wounded suspect and his firearm, which turned out to be stolen. The victim who’d been shot in the neck was treated for minor injuries and released that day. The robber was admitted to the hospital with serious injuries and faces multiple felony counts upon his release.

SOURCE: WVIT-TV, New Britain, Connecticut, 3/3/15


A 67-year-old man was taking a walk in a West Darby, Pennsylvania park when a masked figure ran up behind him, pointed a gun and yelled, “Give it up! Gimme all you got!” The man reached for his attacker’s gun and a struggle ensued. In the scuffle, the intended victim produced his own pistol and fired once, hitting his assailant in the head and killing him.

Police arrived, and the masked figure was found to be a local 18-year-old with several stolen cell phones on his person. The holdup weapon was a realistic-looking pellet pistol. The intended victim was transported to a hospital with chest pains. “He was really shook up—really upset. And I told him point blank, I said, ‘You did what you had to do and, as far as I’m concerned, I don’t see any criminal charges forthcoming,'” said a police superintendent to reporters.

SOURCE: WPVI-TV, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2/4/15

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The S&W M&P is issued by many agencies, including the Maricopa County, Arizona, Sheriff’s Office (MCSO). Maricopa County is the fifth largest county in the United States. Encompassing 9,226 square miles, it is actually larger than four states. MCSO is the third largest sheriff’s office in the country. MCSO employs 3,300 people (sworn, detention, and civilian). With a budget of $353.4 million, they have the resources to choose whichever pistol they feel is best for their needs—and they chose the M&P as their issue pistol. Incidentally, the Shield is MCSO’s only officially authorized off-duty gun. In January, S&W introduced the latest pistol to the M&P line—the M&P M2.0™ pistol.