Make sure your choice of carry ammo works in your firearm.


Streamwood is a suburb of Chicago located within Cook County, Illinois. One May afternoon, a backyard gathering in the neighborhood was disrupted by two men who barged into the yard uninvited. One, with his shirt over his face as a mask, accosted the homeowner and demanded money and cigarettes, yelling, “I have a Glock!”

Unfortunately for the would-be robber, the homeowner had a pistol of his own, and produced it promptly. The masked bandit fled, but the homeowner and his guests subdued his accomplice and held him for the police. When taken into custody, he identified his masked companion, who was also arrested and charged with robbery. Cook County prosecutors said the homeowner had a valid Illinois Concealed Carry Permit.

SOURCE: Arlington Heights Daily Herald, 5/4/15


A Houston man was sitting in his parked pickup truck near Minute Maid Park one night in April when two men approached his vehicle and asked for a ride. He refused, and the two men left, only to return a short time later. This time they produced a gun and ordered him out of his vehicle.

He complied, and they marched him to the back of the truck and ordered him to kneel by the tailgate as first one, then the other went back and got in the cab. At that point, the intended victim produced his own handgun from his waistband and stood up, opening fire on the thieves. The robbers bailed out of the truck’s cab and fled, but one collapsed after a short distance from fatal injuries. The second suspect remains at large.

SOURCE: KPRC-TV, Houston, Texas, 4/30/15


When two men walked into a smoke shop in DeKalb County, Georgia, one of them asked to see an item on a high shelf behind the clerk. When the employee turned around and reached up to get the item in question, he felt a shotgun barrel being pressed against the back of his head. Turning slowly back around, he grabbed the muzzle of the shotgun, ducked away from it, and drew his own pistol.

Holding the shotgun barrel away from his head, the clerk fired multiple shots at his attackers. In the short fight that followed, one robber was fatally shot, while the other fled in a white SUV but turned himself in to police after they identified and contacted him.

SOURCE: The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 5/7/15


When a man pulled into a parking place at a Family Dollar store in northwest Atlanta, Georgia, he was caught off guard by a man who opened the passenger door of his car when it unlocked automatically. Hopping into the passenger seat, the intruder told the driver, “You know what this is.” That’s when the driver pulled his pistol and ordered the intruder out of his car and facedown in the parking lot to await police.

“I told him no, there’s no leaving, leaving was before you hopped into my car … at this point there is no leaving,” the driver told reporters later. Police arrived and took the suspect into custody, shaking the driver’s hand and thanking him. The suspect, a 61-year-old man, was charged with attempted robbery and entering an automobile.

SOURCE: WSB-TV, Atlanta, Georgia, 5/22/15

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Finding Fifth Gear: US PALM AK Upgrades

I have been working with the Arsenal SLR-107F rendition of the modern Russian AK 100 series (MY FIRST KALASHNIKOV, December 2012 S.W.A.T.; D.I.Y. AK MODS, February 2013 S.W.A.T.) and was impressed by the potential of the rifle but frustrated by the limitations of the stock configuration. A trusted friend put me in touch with US PALM to see what some simple upgrades would do. US PALM has spent solid time looking at the AK problem and invested effort in bringing its potential out to become capability for shooters. I ordered some parts and stood by.