Practice, practice, practice. You never know when you might need it for real!


It was a cold February day in Pinch, West Virginia, so the man with his hood up and face covered didn’t draw much attention as he stepped through the doors of the pharmacy and stood with his hands in his pockets. When the customer in front of him completed his transaction, the man pulled out a gun and stepped toward the counter, announcing that this was a robbery.

The pharmacist stepped to the side and, with the robber’s view of him obscured by the counter and other employees and patrons, drew his own pistol. He stepped back into the open and engaged the would-be robber with three carefully aimed shots. The holdup man slumped to the ground. Pharmacy staff called 911 before attempting to give first aid to their attacker, but his wounds proved fatal. Townspeople called the pharmacist a hero for potentially saving the lives of the eight customers in the store at the time.

SOURCE: WOWK-TV, Huntington, West Virginia, 2/18/15


When a Wallace, Idaho man heard his dog barking loudly late on a February afternoon, he went out in the backyard to see what had alarmed his pet. Searching the grounds with a flashlight revealed nothing until he looked up and saw a figure perched in a tree. Illuminating the climber revealed a face that had been all over the local news lately—a felon who had made a dramatic escape from a nearby jail.

The fugitive came down from the tree and moved toward the homeowner, who drew his pistol and repeatedly ordered him to stop and put his hands up. When the escapee continued his advance, the homeowner fired, hitting the attacker in the leg and stopping him in his tracks. The police responded to the 911 call and took the criminal back into custody.

SOURCE: KXLY-TV, Spokane, Washington, 2/19/2015


It was early in the pre-dawn darkness just north of Canton, Texas when a woman heard the sound of someone trying to force their way into her home. She armed herself, called 911, and hunkered down to wait for the cavalry.

When Van Zandt County deputies arrived on the scene, they found the intruder, a registered sex offender, dead of gunshot wounds at the side door he’d been forcing open. “Presently, as the result of underfunding and inadequate staffing at the Van Zandt County Sheriff’s Office, homeowners need to take appropriate precautions to protect their families,” Sheriff Michael Ray said. “I will continue to support the law-abiding citizens of our community when they are forced to take actions to protect their lives, liberty and property.”

SOURCE: Tyler Morning Telegraph, Tyler, Texas, 2/11/2015


Two workers for a carpet cleaning company were getting a vacant home in Memphis, Tennessee ready for new occupants when armed robbers approached and demanded their valuables. One of the intended victims turned the tables by producing a handgun and firing on the stickup men.

The would-be robbers fled. One of them turned up critically wounded at a local hospital, while the other is still being sought by law enforcement. Local residents were rattled and said theirs had always been a quiet neighborhood.

SOURCE: WMC-TV, Memphis, Tennessee, 2/6/2015

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