Police trade-in guns can be an affordable solution for working stiffs on a budget.

Cross-Counter Shootout

As a clerk in a Deerfield Beach, Florida convenience store chatted with a customer, a masked would-be robber stepped up to the counter, pointed a gun at the clerk’s face and opened fire. But it was not the first time the store had been robbed, and the clerk behind the counter was prepared. So was his boss.

The cashier sidestepped the robber’s shots and pulled out his own pistol from under the counter, returning fire. The masked robber and the clerk began exchanging shots, ducking and weaving behind the counter and the displays of merchandise. A coworker who had also ducked behind the counter grabbed a second handgun that had been stashed there and joined the fight. In a flurry of gunfire, the gunman was fatally hit. Authorities identified the dead man as a suspect in similar crimes in the area, and as being on probation for drug trafficking offenses.

SOURCE: WFOR-TV, Miami, Florida, 1/16/16

Close Shave

It was just before 1900 hours at Next Up Barber & Beauty in Columbia, South Carolina when two masked men stormed into the crowded barbershop and began robbing the customers and employees. While one man held a shotgun on the employees, the second pointed a pistol at victims with one hand while rifling their pockets with the other.

When the robbers’ attention was briefly diverted, one of the patrons in a barber chair produced his pistol from under the apron he was wearing and started firing at the robbers. One of the barbers drew his own pistol and joined in the counterattack. One robber was hit and killed. The other, presumed wounded, was being sought by police.

SOURCE: WYFF-TV, Greenville, South Carolina, 1/26/16

A Gift for Defense

Two armed men walked into the Gift Card ATM shop in Hampton, Virginia, intending to rob the place early one Friday night in late January. Instead, the clerk pulled a handgun out and opened fire, abruptly ending the holdup attempt.

When police and medics arrived in response to the 911 call, they found one of the would-be holdup men dead at the scene. The second, also suffering from a gunshot wound, was arrested at a nearby apartment and faces multiple charges when he is released from the hospital. No charges will be filed against the clerk.

SOURCE: Daily Press Hampton, Virginia, 1/30/16

One Against Three

The proprietor of Ms. Jessie’s Stop ‘N’ Shop in Philadelphia was confronted by three armed men who burst into his shop demanding money shortly after 0830 on a Monday. But the owner didn’t hesitate, and drew his own handgun and began firing at his attackers.

One was hit in the head and died at the scene. Police quickly apprehended a second suspect. A potential third suspect, also possibly wounded, was being sought by police. Neighborhood schools were put on a temporary lockdown that was lifted later in the day.

SOURCE: The Philly Voice, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1/11/16

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The Shrike is an exciting new covert-carry fixed-blade knife designed for personal protection. It's the result of a collaboration between custom knifemaker Bud Nealy and a veteran Federal agent. Bud needs no introduction. He's a former professional musician who has become one of the world’s top knifemakers.