Whatever you choose to use, make sure you practice with it!

Wrong Address for Real

Yelling and pounding noises disturbed the late-night calm at an apartment complex on the northwest side of Indianapolis. A man was beating on the door of an apartment, demanding that his estranged girlfriend open the door and let him in. The apartment’s resident yelled back through the door that he had the wrong address, and this wasn’t his girlfriend’s apartment.

Undeterred, the intruder resorted to kicking the door. As it flew open and the intruder charged in, the woman and two children in the apartment hid while the male resident opened fire on the invader with a handgun, striking him multiple times with fatal results. The intruder’s former girlfriend, who had a protective order against him, lived in a different building in the same complex.

SOURCE: The Indianapolis Star, Indianapolis, Indiana, 9/15/17

Noises in the Garage

A Rancho Cucamonga, California man heard the sound of someone in his garage early on a summer Saturday morning. He grabbed a handgun to go investigate. He entered his garage to find a man rummaging around in his car, burglarizing it. Realizing he’d been caught, the burglar exited the vehicle and advanced on the homeowner with a knife.

The homeowner fired, striking the burglar and sending him fleeing from the garage. The homeowner called the police and, while they were at his house taking a report, dispatch notified them that a local woman had called in reporting her adult son had come home with multiple gunshot wounds. The son turned out to be the suspected burglar. He was out Post Community Release Supervision at the time of the incident, and also in possession of narcotics.

SOURCE: KABC-TV, Los Angeles, California, 7/17/17

Through the Back Window

It was broad daylight, midday on a weekday, when a man in SeaTac, Washington heard someone knocking at his door. Apparently thinking the house empty, whoever was out there walked through the yard to the back of the house and attempted entry through a back window. Since his two young children were napping in that back room, the homeowner headed down the hall with a handgun he’d bought after being burglarized several years earlier.

Arriving in the children’s room, he saw two men at the window, the first already climbing into the house. The homeowner opened fire on the pair, causing the one in the window to stumble back out into the yard, where he collapsed and died. The other suspect fled and was the subject of a manhunt at the time of this writing. The police say evidence and statements would be turned over to the prosecutor, who would determine if the shooting was justified.

SOURCE: KCPQ, Tacoma, Washington, 9/14/17

Trouble Calling

A North St. Louis man was away from home late on a Tuesday night when his cell phone rang. His alarm company was calling to tell him his home’s burglar alarm was going off. He got in his vehicle and raced home. Arriving at his house, he exited his vehicle and headed for the front door, only to hear the sound of someone exiting through a side window.

Rounding the corner of the house, he found two men, one clambering out of a window of the house. Seeing that the thief had a handgun, the homeowner feared for his safety and drew his own pistol and fired at the pair, wounding one and causing the other to flee. Responding officers and EMTs transported the wounded burglar. The homeowner was cuffed and questioned but subsequently released.

SOURCE: KMOV-TV, St. Louis, Missouri, 8/30/17

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