Eight is enough: A diminutive S&W Shield on the person beats a bigger gun left at home or in the car.


A 60-year-old Warren, Michigan man stepped out of the bathroom at his neighborhood bank only to be confronted by a bank robber who pointed a gun at his face and ordered him to march behind the counter and join the employees. When he told the robber he could not comply, the robber grabbed him by the back of the neck and forced him behind the counter.

While his back was to the robber, who was now occupied with retrieving a sack of money, the man surreptitiously drew his concealed Smith & Wesson Shield pistol and chambered a round. He then turned and opened fire on the robber, who fled. The man emptied his pistol, hitting the robber once in each arm and once in the leg. The robber collapsed in the parking lot and was apprehended by responding officers.


Detroit Free Press, Detroit, Michigan, 9/22/15


When a Cincinnati man saw his sister involved in an argument, he walked over to see what the fuss was about. When he did so, the man arguing with his sister pulled a pistol out and fired at him. Licensed to carry a pistol of his own, our protagonist drew it and went to work, firing three shots and hitting his attacker in the leg.

The assailant ran across the street to his own residence and re-emerged with a pistol in each hand, firing at the man and his sister, as well as another man and a one-year-old baby, before being driven back inside by the defender’s return fire. Police took the attacker into custody. After being treated for his gunshot wound, the assailant now faces multiple felony charges.


WXIX-TV, Cincinnati, Ohio, 7/27/15


A robber forced his way into an Indianapolis, Indiana home in broad daylight one Monday afternoon in September. Encountering one of the residents, an elderly woman, he held his gun to her head. At that time the woman’s husband emerged from the back of the house holding a handgun. He opened fire on the intruder.

The robber was critically wounded by the elderly man’s salvo and was hospitalized. Not only does he face charges for this incident, but responding officers found he had multiple outstanding warrants in Marion and Johnson counties.


WRTV, Indianapolis, Indiana, 9/21/15


An 85-year-old El Cerrito, California man was home alone just before lunchtime on a weekday when he noticed what he described as suspicious figures in his backyard. The elderly man armed himself with a firearm. When two men forced their way through his back door, he felt his life was in danger and commenced shooting at them.

His shots had a telling effect, as the pair stumbled back out the door and fled on foot across the lawn before hopping in a getaway car and screeching off. The homeowner called police and waited. Responding officers went in search of the intruders and took one into custody at a nearby BART station. That intruder had been shot in the head. He faces serious charges when he is released from the hospital.


KPIX, San Francisco, California, 9/3/15

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