THE Disruptive Environments Chest Rig (D3CR) was developed by Haley Strategic Partners to meet a specific end user requirement for a low-profile chest rig that can be donned or removed in seconds from a fighting platform without the need to remove radios, cuffs, or medical pouches.
While originally designed for a low-visibility special operations role, the D3CR has utility beyond its specific customer’s needs, including as an active shooter rig, a light assault/patrol placard, or in conjunction with HAZMAT suits, where armor is worn on the inside and fighting equipment on the outside.

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HSP was founded by Travis Haley, founder of Magpul’s training division, Magpul Dynamics (now Magpul Core). Today, Haley Strategic Partners offers a gamut of training programs for military, law enforcement, and responsible armed citizens in the form of their Disruptive Science and Disruptive Environments programs.
Travis Haley’s experience spans over 20 years, starting with his career as a Force Reconnaissance Marine and continuing through multiple rotations as a special operations and security contractor, including numerous PSDs for high-profile government officials, military leaders, and foreign diplomats. Today he works as a deputy sheriff with the Maricopa County (Arizona) Sheriff’s Office in addition to his work as CEO of Haley Strategic Partners.
The D3CR was purpose-built around end-user needs, where the capability to shift from covert/ low visibility to overt/low signature (and vice versa) has become a must for certain special operations units. Over the two-year design process, the D3CR was refined and tuned based on direct feedback received from operations being conducted in Iraq and Afghanistan.

When run as a standalone system with the Hharness and waist straps, the D3CR may be worn fully loaded under a loose-fitting jacket or tearaway shirt without noticeable printing. When used in conjunction with personal protection equipment (PPE), it can be clipped in via a quickrelease system such as the Velocity Systems Swift- Clips™. The D3CR also interfaces with a number of packs, so it can be worn as a system.
Constructed of 500D Cordura® nylon, the D3CR includes four rifle magazine pouches, two multi-mission pouches, two flapped General Purpose (GP) pouches, and a STUFFIT™ expandable pouch. The shoulder straps on the H-harness have three PALS loops to secure additional items (such as a tourniquet) or route comms cables.
HSP opted for 500D Cordura to provide a lighter load carriage without sacrificing fabric performance. It offers exceptional breaking strength, tear and water resistance, and dimensional stability without the unnecessary weight penalty of 1000D nylon, which is overkill for the intended application.

The magazine and multi-mission pouches feature shock-cord retention with Hypalon® tabs for easy removal. Hypalon is a synthetic rubber noted for its resistance to chemicals, temperature extremes, and ultraviolet light.
The Hypalon tabs on the D3CR are thick with a tacky surface that makes them easy to grasp, even with thick gloves.
The rifle magazine pouches are designed to fit M4 and AK magazines. Haley Strategic has also developed a D3CR “Heavy” designed for 7.62mm NATO magazines. The multi-mission pouches utilize a rare earth magnet to help retain both single- and doublestack handgun magazines. The pouches are also sized to hold multi-tools, folding knives, and handheld lights.
The GP pouches feature Velcro® flap closures and will fit a variety of strobes, tools, small med kits (such as the ITS Tactical EDC Trauma Kit), and batteries. Loop material on the front of the pouches allows for the attachment of ID or morale patches.
Developed by Extreme Gear Labs for Haley Strategic Partners, the STUFFIT pouch is a user-defined expandable, vertically oriented pouch that holds additional magazines, flash bangs, smoke grenades, frag grenades, and a variety of electronics. If not needed, the STUFFIT pouch compresses nearly flat by cinching down shock cords threaded on either side of the pouch.
By design, the D3CR intentionally excludes a dedicated radio or full-size med pouch. This was directly driven by operational feedback. Tethering comms and med kits to rigs meant that, to transition from a low- to high-visibility posture, end users were forced to carry additional equipment to retain these vital systems. Additionally, relocating items from one pouch to another added time on the clock when seconds matter.
It’s an outstanding “grab and go” rig. Although developed to meet the specific needs of special operations forces, the D3CR is an ideal active shooter response rig for law enforcement officers who are not out on patrol in full kit. Kept fully loaded, it can be stored next to the patrol rifle, Velcroed to the front of a vehicle seat, or stored in the door map compartment and quickly donned by the officer if the need arises.

Haley Strategic Partners also offers an expansion system for the D3CR referred to as the D3X. Currently consisting of three components: the Holster Wedge, Multi-Mission Hanger, and Double Magazine Wedge, the D3X extends the utility of the D3CR and allows an end user to further tailor the rig to his needs.
The Holster Wedge is an envelope of Velcro-covered Cordura panels in which an end user can place a holster. Although optimized for use with the HSP INCOG holster, manufactured by G-Code, it will work with any holster surfaced in hook material.
The Multi-Mission Hanger is a multipurpose drop-down pouch to store other vital pieces of equipment, such as NVGs, breaching items, cameras, and extended med kits. The Hanger is lined with loop material to secure additional organizers and has loop material on the front of the pouch.
The Double Magazine Wedge offers two additional rifle magazine pouches if the user needs to carry more ammunition.
All the D3X wedges mate to the hook panel on the back of the D3CR and do not significantly impact the thickness of the rig. The components can be used individually or pancaked together and work on both the stand-alone rig, as well as when clipped into a plate carrier.
Recently HSP added injection-molded polymer MP2 magazine pouch inserts that allow 30-round 5.56, 5.45, 7.62, and .308 rifle magazines to be run in opentop nylon pockets without bungees and with no loss of retention. Forks on each MP2 hook under PALS webbing, provide additional stability and retention, and deliver a smooth draw of a fresh magazine without impacting the ability to quickly retain partial magazines in the case of a tactical reload.
Although built specifically for the D3CR™ and D3CR-H™, the MP2 works with a variety of industry-leading nylon magazine carriers. They are available exclusively in Disruptive Grey™. A single MP2 insert runs $12, and a four-pack is $40.
Overall, the D3CR is an outstanding chest rig. It is exceptionally comfortable, easily adjustable, and truly multimission capable.
The D3CR is available in Black, Coyote, Ranger Green, MultiCam®, Kryptek® Highlander™, Mandrake™, and Typhon™. The D3CR retails for $179.00. Camo patterns are $183.00.
The D3X Expansion System components are available in Black and Coyote. The Multi-Mission Hanger is also available in MultiCam. The Holster Wedge retails for $29.00, Double Magazine Pouch for $35.00, and Multi-Mission Hanger for $45.00.