If you’re one of those who say, “Get ready, terrorism is coming to America,” you may be behind the power curve. It’s already here.

Fort Hood, Texas; Garland, Texas; Chattanooga, Tennessee; San Bernardino, California; Boston, Massachusetts; Orlando, Florida; Dallas, Texas; Baton Rouge, Louisiana … hopefully by the time you read this, the list has not grown longer.

These acts of violence against our citizens are often referred to in the mainstream media as “tragedies.” Let’s be clear: a family losing their belongings in a fire is a tragedy. A child dying of SIDS is a tragedy. The above attacks are not tragedies. They are atrocities.

I’m angry.

I’m angry not only at the terrorists but also at the Community Organizer-In-Chief and other gutless politicians who have turned once again to calling for more gun control. Let’s call a spade a spade: it’s not about gun control. It’s about people control.

Guns were not the primary weapon in Boston. An ordinary pressure cooker was. In the attack in Nice, France, the weapon of choice was a truck.

This is a time to become armed, not to disarm American citizens.

But simply becoming armed is not enough. You must receive training from a reputable school or instructor. Thinking you’re good to go after passing the minimum CWP requirements is akin to taking a single guitar lesson and believing you’re ready to walk on stage and perform at the Grand Ole Opry. Minimum standards are just that: minimum.

Lately there has been a lot of talk about shooting terrorists in the head. And while a headshot will instantly deactivate an attacker, a few things need to be considered.

The human brain is roughly six inches long. Under stress, many shooters can’t keep their shots inside that box at more than 20 to 30 feet. To further complicate matters, you will probably be moving, the terrorist will probably be moving, and bystanders fleeing the area will likely obstruct your line of fire.

Know your limitations on how far you can hit that six-inch box and then train to push it farther. By “train,” I don’t mean standing still shooting at a static target on a nice flat range. Incorporate moving—backwards, forwards, laterally, and diagonally—into your drills.

Finally, develop a mindset that won’t let you quit until you are dead or the bad guy is neutralized. Although it has become dormant in most societies, we all still have the “mean gene” inside us that lets us confront danger and evil when required. Cultivate it and use it to your advantage.

Awhile back, my five-year-old grandson remarked that, “Grandpa carries a gun to protect us.” And I intend to do just that.

Until next time, stay low and watch your back.


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