Being ready for a worst-case scenario means different things to different people. With that in mind, we are proud to present a group of very diverse articles in this special expanded issue.

In order to respond to an attack involving physical force, you obviously must be in reasonably good condition. Three-minute rounds are a long time for a professional, trained fighter—30 seconds on the street is an eternity. The article FITNESS: Separating Fact From Fiction (pg. 88) gives valuable insight into getting in shape.

To survive an attack involving weapons, deadly force must be met with deadly force. There are very few Samurai trained to use swords around anymore, and so for most of us this means countering deadly physical force with a firearm. However, being able to shoot a firearm—even proficiently—is not the same thing as being able to fight with a firearm. By the same token, going to the range once a month and turning a few hundred cartridges into a pile of empty brass is not training. At best it is practice and at worst it is improper practice. The article SELF-TRAINING MYTHS: Deadly Drawbacks (pg. 52) is sure to provide food for thought.

Still, for some, a worst-case scenario could be an auditing of your tax return and not having your paperwork in order. The article The Tax Man Cometh (pg. 48) offers helpful hints to keep more of your hard-earned cash in your pocket and out of government coffers. In regard to the foregoing, did you know that having a membership to a gym and taking formal firearms training courses may be deductible? I love it when a total plan comes together!

Other articles in this expanded issue run the gamut from firearms to training courses and from staying fed in a survival situation to sound suppressors.

Finally, the temperate, longer days of spring are a great time to accomplish some training or just get outdoors for a while. With that in mind, we have included a Spring Buyer’s Guide in this issue at no extra cost. It features many products that will make your time at the range (or on the street) more productive and safer.

Until next time, stay low and watch your back.

Denny Hansen

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