The more recoil or muzzle flip your weapon has, the more frequently you need to practice to maintain proficiency.

Alleyway Entry

A man standing behind a convenience store in Riverview, Florida was startled by the approach of a bandana-wearing armed robber at high noon. The robber demanded money and, when the man told him he didn’t have any, the robber forced him through a back entrance into the convenience store.

Once inside, the robber barged into an office where the business owner and his son were working. When confronted by the assailant, one of the men pulled out his own handgun and opened fire, hitting the stickup man several times. The intruder was transported to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead. State records showed the deceased had multiple convictions for grand theft and burglary.

SOURCE: Tampa Bay Times, Tampa Bay, Florida, 5/10/16

Dead-End Drive Thru

Just after lunchtime in League City, Texas, a man and his son sitting in the drive-thru of a McDonald’s restaurant were approached in their pickup truck by a gun-wielding attacker. A struggle ensued and, fearing for his own safety and that of his four-year-old son in the back seat, the driver pulled his own pistol, which he was licensed to carry.

Called by McDonald’s employees, police arrived to find the would-be carjacker shot three times. He was taken to a local emergency room, where he later died of his injuries.

“Never would have dreamed in a million years that a McDonald’s drive thru, like blocks from the police station in broad daylight, at two or three o’clock in the afternoon, something like this would happen,” the truck driver’s attorney stated to reporters.

SOURCE: KTRK-TV, Houston, Texas, 5/7/16

Garage Banned

A family in West Mobile, Alabama was startled by unexpected noises coming from their garage on a Sunday night in early May. Grabbing a revolver, the homeowner headed to the garage to investigate the source of the commotion. Opening the door, he found all his lawn equipment moved into a pile and a would-be thief rummaging through the garage for more.

Commanding the intruder to put his hands in the air, the homeowner held the man at gunpoint until the police arrived to take him into custody. “He kept saying he didn’t move anything, and I probably would have let him go if he’d just stop lying,” the homeowner later told reporters. The intruder faces charges for burglary.

SOURCE: WKRG-TV, Mobile, Alabama, 5/2/16

Not Your Typical Granny

An 80-year-old woman in Sultan, Washington heard a disturbance in the kitchen of her home on a Thursday night in May. Going to investigate, she found her husband lying on the kitchen floor bleeding. He’d been attacked with a crowbar and a knife. “I’ve been stabbed!” he told her, and she ran down the hall to their bedroom to retrieve the .38 he’d gifted her for Christmas a few years prior.

She waited behind the bedroom door, hoping to ambush the intruder, but when he didn’t come, she stepped into the hall. The intruder was in the hallway and blurted “Gun!” as she fired at him four times, connecting with three shots. The intruder was pronounced dead at the scene. The woman’s husband was airlifted to a hospital, where he faced a recovery after a week in intensive care.

SOURCE: KOMO-TV, Seattle, Washington, 5/5/16

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